

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Which president have you chosen for your final paper?  On which aspect of that presidency have you chosen to focus?  Why do you find this particular president and aspect of his presidency most interesting? 


  1. Although I plan to meet with Professor Conley to discuss, I have chosen John F. Kennedy. I plan to focus on JFK’s use of a “flexible response” in reaction to a fragile international system. The balance of power was incredibly important during Kennedy’s time. You couldn’t ignore anything. Kennedy argued that republicans let the perception of weakness to be prominent, which undermined other options. Kennedy wanted the ability to act on all levels not just with a single method. This not only promoted globalism but a particular world order as well. The point of a flexible response is to meet any threat at its own level. Kennedy opted for an asymmetric approach. Most of all, I find it interesting that Kennedy thought that costs were irrelevant because congress could expand the means to protect vital interests. This aspect of his presidency is compelling because he does not realize that this approach will cause him to fall into a “credibility trap.” Initially, this theory of reacting with a flexible response seems dignified. But, the point could be made that threats are always objective and presidents will always put credibility and values ahead of anything else.

  2. I tentatively want to look at FDR and his administration, for a few reasons. Specifically, I want to look at his character and what contributed to likely the most powerful reign of any president in American history. I would like to investigate exactly how FDR managed to do this-- I'm pretty sure there isn't just one answer.

    In regard to why I chose FDR and his leadership style as a focus point, I simply find it very interesting how unorthodox his time in the Oval Office was, relative to every other president. He was a wartime president, but isn't defined as such; he obviously served longer than any other president, yet an amendment was created in his stead to block this level of electoral success in the future; he holds the record for the most lopsided victory in a presidential election (1936); and, of course, what he did to pull the United States out of the Great Depression deserves to be looked at.

    In short, we define FDR to be the first "modern" president in the United States. I want to look at how he brought that about.

  3. The president that I have chosen for my final paper is Richard Nixon. The aspect of his presidency that I have chosen to focus on is his relationship with the paper media during the Watergate scandal.
    I find this particular president interest because he was at the center of one of the biggest scandals in American history. This aspect of his presidency is most interesting because it still affects our society and our view of the presidency today. President Nixon’s inability to tell the truth has changed our view on the president’s integrity.

  4. The President I have chosen is President George W. Bush. I find the circumstances surrounding his presidency incredibly interesting: his near loss in 2000, his interesting perspective on foreign policy, his tough decisions on the economy, etc.

    I plan on focusing on those areas as I examine President Bush's terms. I find the challenges he had to face, when combined with his background, make for an incredibly interesting presidency.

  5. My current plans my change, but I am in between either selecting President Eisenhower or President Clinton. The circumstances of their presidencies are unique in numerous ways. For Eisenhower, I want to focus on his administerial abilities with the usage of the "Invisible Hand." He was able to maneuver his opponents and adversaries. This served him well both in foreign and domestic policy.

    On the research that may link myself to President Bill Clinton, I want to focus on the aspect of character. Not because of a personal animosity toward him, but his unique experience as being dogged by scandals but still loved by his country. The aspect of character, and his own personality and qualities that affected his administration. It should make for an interesting paper, in either case.

  6. I would like to explore Harry S. Truman's decisions and strategies during World World II. I want to focus on the war efforts in Asia particularly the use of the atomic bomb.
    This topic has been a point of interest for me even before this class. I know that Truman was quite fearful of the atomic bomb and was reluctant to use it. Beyond the issue of the bomb, I would like to analyze how Truman organized himself and his administration during the war.

  7. For my final paper I have chosen to study President Richard Nixon. I am interested in focusing on Nixon’s relation with the press and general public before and after the Watergate scandal. Before Nixon stepped down from office, he was the first president to be impeached by Congress due to scandals regarding Watergate. His term in office changed the view the media and the public had over the President of the United States, in which there was a great sense of distrust. His actions affected how current presidents deal with the media and how involved the press is on the everyday actions of the commander in chief. In particular I would also want to focus on Nixon’s “dirty tricks” campaign and the necessity of implementing such an unethical campaign so early on in his presidency when he still had large popular support.

  8. I plan to focus my report on President John F. Kennedy and his stance on civil rights. I have long been interested in his brief presidency and I am curious to learn more about the earlier days of American civil rights legislation. I plan to study what he did behind the scenes along with his brother and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy.

  9. I'm interested in writing about the relationship between the presidency and the supreme court. Specifically I'd like to look at the justices appointed by Reagan and HW Bush who went on to uphold Roe v Wade. Both conservative presidents were hoping to overturn this Supreme Court decision during their tenure in office yet 3/6 of their appointed justices went on to uphold this decision. I think this is a fascinating topic that explores the dynamics between a president and the justices he appoints.

  10. I believe at this point that I will be writing my paper on President Ronald Reagan. I am interested in writing about the fact that although his presidency did have scandal such as Iran Contra, he is still revered my most of the Republican Party. His Presidency is very intriguing to me because of his personal qualities and the myriad major events that happened during his tenure.

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  12. I want to write my paper on President George H.W. Bush and Operation Desert Storm. His decision to carry out a "war" without Congressional declaration (or approval) for that matter proved to be a risky move, but due to his relative success he ended up being publicly praised for his efforts. I want to focus on the relationship of H.W. and Congress and look at how his leadership style influenced this operation before, during and after.

  13. I plan to write my paper exploring the topic of impeachment. I want to focus on Bill Clinton's impeachment trial and the scandal that surrounded it. I am particularly interested in the political ramifications of the impeachment, especially concerning the effects of the trail on future elections. I want to discuss how "moral character" became a focus point for the 2000 election due to the questions of Clinton's character, integrity, and morality.

  14. I plan to focus my paper on Richard Nixon and specifically analyze his foreign policy. There were obviously some major mistakes made by Nixon in his presidency but his foreign policy was carefully calculated and he patiently worked through the difficult cold war climate to change American international relations. I am interested in his attempts at opening trade with China and the rest of the Communist world as he was a staunch anti-communist previously. Also ending the Vietnam War was a large part of Nixon's foreign policy that I may wish to research.

  15. I plan to make President Carter, and, more specifically, his foreign policy the focus of my research paper. I am particularly intrigued by this topic because Carter's experience with foreign policy became, essentially, the source of his presidential demise. I will concentrate not only on the well known Iran Hostage Crisis, but also on Carter's overall contribution to American foreign policy during the Cold War.

  16. For my paper, I would like to discuss President Clinton. I would like to focus on President Clinton's relationship with Congress over the course of his two terms, focusing specifically on his struggles with the republican Congress after the 1994 midterm elections. I'm interested in this president and this topic because the 90s were a unique time for the country and for the economy. I think the Clinton's relationship with Congress while he tried to get things done is an immensely important aspect of his presidency to think about.

  17. I would like to research Eisenhower's foreign policy. During his presidency, Eisenhower worked with a team of people who influenced his policies in many ways-not only domestically but internationally. I want to research how Eisenhower's foreign policy was driven by those around him (Dulles) and I'd like to look at how he handled situations such as the Suez Canal Crisis.

  18. I want to write my paper on President George W. Bush. I want to focus on Guantanamo bay and how it came into existence. I think that it is interesting how Bush uses his powers in doing so. I want to find out what powers in particular he exerted on this issue and if the public was behind him. I also want to discuss the controversy that surrounds it.

  19. I have chosen Franklin D Roosevelt because he is considered our first “modern” president (possibly because he followed after 3 previous Republicans, making his Democratic ideas sound progressive and new). He is an icon of his era, a wartime president who’s time in office was both unconventional and successful, a combination not often seen in the American presidencies (including 4 terms). His success in legislature, the economy, and the war make him to be, in my opinion one of the greatest presidents in American history. I plan to look further into his legislative success and his feat of bringing America out of the Great Depression.

  20. For the research paper I am on the fence on deciding between Nixon and Watergate or Clinton and his personal life scandal of Monica Lewinsky.
    I find particular interest in Nixon and Watergate because he was the first president to be impeached and the Court's decision gave way to understanding what power the presidential office has in terms of secrecy. Furthermore, the scandal put the public's trust of a president in alert.
    Clinton's scandal of Monica Lewinsky is interesting because I would like to research the aspect of whether or not a president's personal life issue affects his presidency and whether it should matter to the public if the president is doing a good job.

  21. For my research paper I would like to cover President Obama and his foreign policy relations, decisions, and reasoning behind those decisions. Specifically I want to focus on his foreign policy in the Middle East/North Africa, and China. I think that these present two very important, but at the same time, very kinds and levels of foreign policy. President Obama has had numerous successes and failures in the middle east, and the rise of china poses a serious challenge not seen since the soviet union, but a particularly interesting one because of our heavy trade relations with them.

  22. For my paper, I'm planning on writing about Ronald Reagan's presidency. Specifically, I want to focus on his foreign policy, in particular his dealings with the USSR, and military expansion that took place under his authority. I'd also like to look into how much of the Reagan foreign policy was Reagan's and how much of it was his camp's, given his background.

  23. For my paper, I want to discuss the Obama administration. Obama is obviously a pioneer in the presidency being the first non-white president in office. But I want to look deeper into that, into the sociological perspective that Obama brings to the table. An African American elected into the office greatly shows how progressive America is and I want to discuss how Obama becoming president plays into the new America that is developing before our eyes. Obama's slogan was CHANGE and that could not be more appropriate. Change and progression, especially in civil liberties, has greatly impacted the country and I would like to discuss Obama's presidency and choices into how it factors into this progressive America.

  24. I plan on focusing on John F. Kennedy's foreign policy and how he handled certain conflicts, most notably the Cold War, Vietnam, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. I find JFK's foreign policy to be very interesting as it covers many prominent issues and controversies from this time period and helped shape his presidency.

  25. I'm planning on writing my paper on the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson. More specifically, I want to examine his impact on the Vietnam War as well as his rejection of the 1968 Presidential Democratic nomination. It would also be beneficial to study how the war effected the success of the Great Society. Johnson's presidency was particularly interesting because the domestic and foreign policy spheres were so closely interwoven. This dichotomy is rare among presidential terms.

  26. For my paper I would like to focus on John F. Kennedy's presidency.
    I would like to go in depth on Kennedy's relationship with the media during his presidency. He is known to be a great orator, and giving iconic speeches. It was also very interesting to analyze how he was able to use the media to his advantage, and actually was able to utilize his charismatic style of speaking to win over congress.

  27. I am going to discuss the Obama administration. Specifically, whether or not he abusing his authority as President, and the constitutionality of his actions. I find that this will be an interesting topic to research because it is a topic that is constantly covered in the media and frequently debated about.

  28. I have chosen to research President George W. Bush. I find his post 9/11 strategies extremely interesting. The way he was able to rally the people of the United States around him was incredible. He was President during one of the most catastrophic events in history with thousands of lives lost and he has to deal with leading the United States through the rebuilding period after such a large tragedy. He may have done a few controversial things to rebuild the nation but I would like to look at those further in detail in order to understand better the impact of his Presidency on the aftermath of 9/11

  29. I am looking at focusing on the Clinton presidency. More specifically, I will be taking a look at his ability to really work with Congress and negotiate as well as changes in his approaches as the Republicans took control of both houses of Congress. I find Clinton's presidency very interesting because he was a very skilled politician who had to do much work and negotiating to achieve anything and still managed to leave the office on a very high note, even despite his scandals from his personal life.

  30. I have chosen President George W Bush. I want to explore how the media and press portrayed and perceived him and how he was covered. I've read a bit about how the media would try to portray him as incompetent and not intelligent. Along those lines are what I want to focus on, his relationship with the media.

  31. I have tentatively chosen to focus on president Harriet Truman. I want to focus on how he developed his foreign policy at the end of World War II and how it transitioned with the onset of the Cold War.

    Quite frankly, I have chosen to focus on Truman because he was thrust into a difficult situation with the death of one of America's most popular presidents -- FDR. He handled the adversity and also managed to win reelection during Cold War. I am always thrilled to discover new facts and pieces of history about the Cold War that I did not know previously and I feel by studying Truman and his handling of the early onset of the Cold War will allow me to expand my knowledge.

  32. I have chosen to look at Bill Clinton's Presidency. More specifically I'm going to look at how he dealt with the so called "Republican Revolution" of 1994 and the extremely interesting power struggle between him and speaker of the house Newt Gingrich. This is a topic I learned quite a bit about last semester in my Legislative Politics class and I'd love to delve even further into it.

  33. I plan to write on the presidency of Richard Nixon. Nixon is, without question, the most interesting president to study. As far as policy goes, Nixon was one of the most hands on presidents. My paper will focus on the expansion of the power of the presidency during his administration. Nixon was able to effectively utilize prescribed and implied powers of the office to maneuver.

  34. I plan to write my paper about Ronal Reagan. Specifically his relationship with the media and how that affected his presidency. I think this will be an interesting topic because many people have noted how "kind" the press was to him and I am interested to see how that affected his presidency as a whole.

  35. The president that i have chosen for my paper is George W. Bush. I think the President Bush was in office during a very stressful and chaotic time in the Unites States. The aspect of the presidency that i want to focus is foreign policy. I believe that thanks to the foreign policy enacted by George W. Bush The United States was able to rally behind a cause and a sense of patriotism was restored to the nation. I also think that it was because of this foreign policy that the United States has remained as the protector of democracy.

  36. For the final paper I plan to explore the use of metaphor in the presidency of Barack Obama. During his presidential campaign and into his first term as President of the United States, he has employed the use of metaphor at a higher rate than all other previous presidents with the exception of Ronal Reagan. By exploring his use of metaphor and analyzing its effects on the American public, I hope to lear how this impacts his approval ratings and popularity.

  37. For my paper I will be focusing on not only my favorite president, Theodore Roosevelt, but specifically on the formation of the relationship between the US and Cuba that grew during Teddy's presidency. As technically one of the first "unitary executives" Theodore's presidency can be examined to show reflections of our relationship with Cuba that still are around. Aside from this, his experience fighting with his Rough Riders in Cuba's war of Independce led Teddy to pay extra attention to US existing interests in Cuba.

  38. I chose to write about our 39th President, Jimmy Carter. In January, I had the opportunity to meet Jimmy Carter and visit his hometown in Plains Georgia. It is fascinating to me how a boy born not to privilege, but hard work became the most powerful person in the world. I choose to focus my paper on President Carter’s domestic achievements. During his presidency, President Carter developed two new governmental departments; education and energy, supported efforts to protect the environment and created millions of jobs.

  39. The President I have chosen is Bill Clinton. I will initially focus on his national security strategy concerning the advocacy of free market democracies, and then how it shifted to fight terrorism. I found it interesting how the administration faced many foreign policy difficulties while maintaining a well established domestic policy.
