

Monday, March 31, 2014

Week 13 Blog

Assess the styles, policies, and records of Presidents Carter and Reagan.  What constitute their major triumphs and defeats in your view (a couple), and how to what factors do you attribute them? 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Week 11 Blog -- Kennedy and Johnson

Using Lammers and Geneovese, and the additional readings for Thursday, provide your perspective on the positive and negatives of the leadership styles of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson.  Which president do you view as more successful?  Why?  What could have the less successful president done to change things? 

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Which president have you chosen for your final paper?  On which aspect of that presidency have you chosen to focus?  Why do you find this particular president and aspect of his presidency most interesting? 

Thursday, January 30, 2014


How exactly do you consider presidential "legislative success"?  For you, is the notion of "roll call" victories important?  Do you view agenda victories as more important?  Do you feel that in the situation of "divided government" the presidential veto, when used to halt Congress from acting, is a form of success?  Or does the negative power of the veto conflict with the ways in which the "FDR" model of presidential leadership of Congress has been touted by many scholars?